As CEC installers and designers we need to operate under the appropriate Australian New Zealand standards and this applies to on grid battery storage systems.
Signage is very important and with the standards constantly changing it is vital that the installer designer keeps up.
Signage is very important as it indicates to emergency service workers and others where the appropriate or the applicable equipment is located and what needs to be done in the case of an emergency or a shutdown situation or similar.
The most commonly referenced Australian standard applicable to battery grid connect systems signage is AS/NZS 5139:2019 which breaks battery systems into three different categories.
This presentation will look at the various signs required specifically for a grid connected battery storage system ( just the battery component) , the referenced Australian standards and the particular clauses relevant to the signage, the locations and the equipment involved.
Australian standards are living documents and therefore subject to change. This presentation is dealing with the current Australian standards and amendments and we are not responsible for any changes in the future in regards to these signage requirements.
Will be looking at a on grid battery storage system that incorporates the following:
Signs for battery system location
Battery system locations that are difficult to find, not evident from the main metering panel or in large buildings shall be shown on a plan (map or drawing) located at the main switchboard and/or fire control and indicating panel. This plan shall indicate the location of shutdown procedures.
AS/NZS 5139:2019, Clause 7.4
Main switchboard and/or fire control and indicating panel
How many? None as batteries easy to find
Sign for energy storage label required at main metering panel and main switchboard
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.3
Main metering panel and MSB
How many? Two
Restricted access
Battery systems that are accessible within an enclosure or room shall have a sign which -
(a) designates "DANGER", "restricted access" stating that access is permitted only for authorized persons; and
(b) is mounted either adjacent to the enclosure or on all doors to the room where the battery
system is located.
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.5
Adjacent to battery enclosure ( could add extra one to door)
How many? Two
Voltage and current
A sign stating voltage and current shall be mounted either adjacent to the enclosure or on all doors to the battery system or BESS room.
This sign shall state the following:
(a) The words "Battery System" or "Battery Energy Storage System".
(b) Short-circuit current (specify current in amperes).
(c) Maximum d.c. voltage (specify voltage in volts)
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.6
Adjacent to battery enclosure ( could add extra one to door) Don’t need the hazardous voltage <=60 volts
How many? Two
Where multiple battery systems or BESS are installed the following apply:
(i) Only one sign is required if the battery systems are all in the same room/enclosure.
(ii) The voltage specified shall be the maximum voltage present.
(iii) The current shall be maximum short-circuit current calculated for any of the BESS, where
for each BESS that has multiple battery systems connected in parallel, the calculated current
shall be the sum of the battery system short-circuit currents of each of the paralleled
battery systems.
No multiple battery systems, so no need for this signage
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.6
Adjacent to battery enclosure ( could add extra one to door)
How many? None
7.8 Explosive gas hazard
All battery system types categorized as explosive gas hazards shall have a "Danger, Risk of Battery Explosion" sign installed in a prominent position when approaching the battery system. The minimum size of this sign shall be 175 mm x 175 mm.
This sign shall be mounted either adjacent to the enclosure
or on all doors to the room where the battery system is located
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.8
Adjacent to Battery enclosure ( could add extra one to door)
How many? Two
Toxic fume hazard
All battery system types categorized as toxic fume hazard shall have a sign: "Danger, toxic fumes". The sign shall specify the specific fault condition (e.g. fire) under which the fumes will be present. This sign shall also include PPE requirements for entering the room/working with the battery systems. This sign shall be mounted either adjacent to the enclosure or on all doors to the room where the battery system is located.
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.9
Adjacent to Battery enclosure ( could add extra one to door)
How many? Two
7.10 Chemical hazard
All battery system types categorized as chemical hazards shall carry a sign specifying what to do if the skin, eyes or other parts of the body are exposed to the chemical. This sign shall be mounted either adjacent to the enclosure or on all doors to the room where the battery system is located.
Would also need to reference the MSDS
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.10
Adjacent to Battery enclosure ( could add extra one to door)
How many? Two
7.11 Arc flash
All battery system types categorized as having an arc flash hazard above "minor" (see Table 6,1) ( Minor ~ 1.2,<4.0) shall carry a warning sign to indicate the dangers of arc flash. This sign shall be mounted either adjacent to the enclosure or on all doors to the room where the battery system is located.Work health and safety (WHS) regulations may require signs indicating the need for personal protective equipment (PPE).
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.11
Adjacent to Battery enclosure ( could add extra one to door)
How many? None as classed as minor
7.12.2 Battery system isolation device
The battery system isolation device shall carry a sign fixed in a prominent location with the following
NOTE The term "isolator" used in this sign is to better inform the public, although the function required of the device is load breaking.
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.12.2
At or under the battery DC Isolator
How many? One
7.12.3 Multiple isolation device
When a battery system has more than one isolation device installed, these shall be labelled and numbered according to the battery system to which they are connected.
Where there are parallel battery systems connected to the PCE(s) and multiple isolation/disconnection devices are used, the following signage shall be fixed adjacent to the PCE connected to the multiple battery systems and have a warning label containing a warning symbol and stating:
If there are multiple PC Es, only one sign is required to be located beside one of the PC Es.
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.12.3
Adjacent to the PCE connected to the multiple battery systems
How many? None
7.12.4 Disconnectors for DVC-B and DVC-C systems
Isolating switches, interconnecting connectors, cables or links used to separate the battery system into sections to meet the requirements of Clause shall be fixed adjacent to each disconnector and have a warning label containing a warning symbol and stating:
All internal isolating devices shall also be suitably identified for breaking down of the battery system to offset particular maintenance and access requirements.
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.12.4
adjacent to each disconnector
How many? None, as project is DVC-A, <=60 volts
7.16 Shutdown procedure
All BESS shall include a permanent sign detailing the shutdown procedure that sets out the sequential steps to safely shutdown the BESS. The shutdown procedure shall be -
(a) installed adjacent to the PCE to which the battery system is connected; and
(b) placed adjacent to and visible from the equipment to be operated in the event of a shutdown. Where the PCE is adjacent to the switchboard it is directly connected to, the shutdown procedure may be placed within that switchboard. The sign detailing the shutdown procedure may also include the start-up procedure.
All labelling of devices shall be consistent with terminology used in the shutdown procedure. A warning shall be included in the shutdown procedure indicating that isolation of the battery system by isolation and shutting done the PCE may not de-energize the battery system and further action may be required.
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.16
Adjacent to PCE and switchboard
How many? Two
7.19 Spill containment
Information signs informing the actions to be undertaken in the event of a chemical spillage or leak shall be installed adjacent to the battery system.
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.19
Adjacent to the battery system
How many? None, no liquid electrolyte
7.2 Requirements for signs and labels
This clause looks at the signage material, is it durable, also talks about all in one options
AS/NZS 5139:2019,
Clause 7.2
Adjacent to the battery system and possibly inside battery cabinet
How many? None, signage requirements covered elsewhere
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